Certified Association Executive (CAE) Information
The Certified Association Executive (CAE) program is designed to elevate professional standards, enhance individual performance, and designate association professionals who demonstrate the knowledge essential to the practice of association management.
CLICK HERE to learn more about CAE Study Group
CAE Eligibility Requirements
Preparing for and Taking the Exam
VSAE ResourcesVSAE is a CAE Approved Provider. Every program that qualifies for CAE credit will identify the number of eligible CAE credits and we maintain records of your registration in accordance with CAE policies.
CAE Study GroupVSAE offers a structured Study Group in the winter/spring (for the May exam) and fall (for the December exam). Each of the nine sessions is led by an experienced CAE. CLICK HERE for more information about current and upcoming Study Groups. CAE Study Group Sponsor
CAE RenewalCAEs due to renew in 2024 must do so by December 31. The online CAE renewal portal automatically syncs with ASAE’s AMS, making the process easier. Those renewing must fulfill one of their 40 credits with an ethics-focused credit. Tracking Your CAE Credit HoursVSAE members can view and print a record of CAE-eligible events that they have attended from January 2020 to the present. To access your registration record, follow these steps:
If you need information prior to January 2020, a record of all events for which you have registered since 2015 is in your profile under "Forms I've Taken". You are responsible for verifying that you attended these events. Please allow 1-2 weeks after an event for CEU credits to be processed. For non-members, VSAE also produces a yearly checklist of all events that qualify for CAE credit. Print a copy of the checklist and mark those events you attended to calculate your CAE hours for application or renewal. 2024 - Calendar of Events & CAE hours form2023 - Calendar of Events & CAE hours form2022 - Calendar of Events & CAE hours form2021 - Calendar of Events & CAE hours form2020 - Calendar of Events & CAE hours form2019 - Calendar of Events & CAE hours form2018 - Calendar of Events & CAE hours form2017 - Calendar of Events & CAE hours form2016 - Calendar of Events & CAE hours form |