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Why Become a Certified Association Executive?

What have you done for YOU lately? Consider taking the next step in your career by obtaining the Certified Association Executive (CAE) credential. We asked four VSAE members who recently earned the CAE credential about preparing for the exam and how investing in this professional designation has advanced their careers. The members are Kelly Ann Gull, CAE, Senior Manager, Governance & Executive Office for the National Society of Professional Engineeers;  Sarah Mattes Marshall, CAE, Executive Director for the VA College of Emergency Physicians; Michelle Runge, CAE, Director of Chapter Relations–Mid-Atlantic Region for the American Inns of Court; and Steven Williams, CAE, Partner with Hardiman-Williams, LLC.

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Insites from New CEOs

We asked three new association CEOs the following questions to learn about their career paths and insights on issues facing the industry. The three interviewed were Christina Lewellen, MBA, CAE (CL), Executive Director, Association of Technology Leaders in Independent Schools; Sarah Mattes Marshall, CAE (SM), Executive Director, VA College of Emergency Physicians; and Abby Tammen (AT), CEO, Charlottesville Area Association of REALTORS.

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The Need to Learn, Share, and Grow

On January 7, my social media channels were filled with a meme that read “I’d like to cancel my subscription to 2021. I’ve experienced the 7-day trial and I’m not interested.” The world had hoped the hypothetical turning of the calendar would bring an end to the dramatic changes we were experiencing due to the Covid-19 pandemic and political issues. Almost two months into the new year, we can say for certain change is inevitable and that creativity and flexibility continue to be the necessary tools of the trade. 

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